


     1、自我介绍简洁而明了: 在英语论文答辩开场时,简要介绍一下自己,包括你的姓名、所属院系、研究方向以及导师的名字。
     2、表达感激之情: 表达对评审委员会、导师以及参与答辩的人员的感激之情。这展现出你对他们的尊重和认可。
     3、明确研究目的: 确切陈述你研究的目的,以及为何选择这个特定的研究课题。这有助于引导听众对你的研究产生兴趣。
     4、简洁明了地阐述研究问题: 在英语答辩开场白中,以简洁明了的语言阐述你的研究问题。确保听众能够立即理解你的研究方向。
     5、强调研究的独创性: 强调你的研究在学术领域的独创性和创新性。这有助于展现你的研究价值和对领域的贡献。
     6、预留时间给评审委员提问: 在英语论文答辩中提及你期待与评审委员进行深入的讨论,并表示欢迎他们的问题。这展示你的开放态度和对学术讨论的积极参与。
     7、用清晰的语言: 避免使用过于复杂或专业的术语,确保用简洁清晰的语言传达你的研究内容。
     8、维持良好的姿态和眼神接触: 保持自信的姿态,与评审委员和观众保持眼神接触,这有助于建立信任和显示你的自信。
     9、结尾展望未来: 在英语论文答辩的结尾,可以简要展望你研究的未来发展方向,以显示你对研究领域的长远思考。


     Good morning/afternoon/evening, esteemed members of the thesis defense committee, respected professors, and distinguished guests. My name is [Your Name], and I am a graduate student from the [Your University] majoring in English Studies. Today, I stand before you with a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to defend my thesis, titled "[Your Thesis Topic]."
     I would like to express my sincere appreciation to each member of the committee, my esteemed professors, and everyone present here for their valuable time and expertise. Your guidance has been instrumental in shaping the trajectory of my academic journey.
     My research journey in the realm of English Studies has been an exploration of [Specific Aspects of English Literature/Linguistics/Your Focus]. The motivation behind this study lies in a profound interest in [Your Research Topic] and a desire to contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field.
     The primary focus of my research is to [Briefly State Your Research Objective]. Through this study, I aim to [Emphasize the Unique Contribution or Innovation of Your Research]. I am eager to share the insights and findings that have emerged from this exploration.
     I welcome this opportunity to engage in a constructive dialogue with the committee and my fellow scholars present here. I am open to any questions, suggestions, or discussions that may arise during this defense. Your feedback is invaluable, and I am eager to hear your insights.
     Once again, thank you for your time and attention. Let us embark on this intellectual journey together, exploring the depths of English Studies. I look forward to a fruitful discussion.
     Good [morning/afternoon/evening], esteemed members of the thesis defense committee, respected professors, and distinguished guests. My name is [Your Name], and it is with great honor and enthusiasm that I stand before you today to defend my thesis titled "[Your Thesis Topic]."
     I wish to extend my deepest gratitude to each member of the committee for their time, expertise, and thoughtful consideration. Your collective guidance has been an invaluable compass throughout my academic journey in the field of English Studies at [Your University].
     In the vast landscape of English Studies, my research has been a focused exploration into [Specific Aspects of English Literature/Linguistics/Your Focus]. Today, I aspire to share with you the culmination of my efforts, shedding light on the intricate layers of [Your Research Topic].
     At the heart of my inquiry lies the aim to [Briefly State Your Research Objective]. This journey has been driven by a passion for [Your Research Topic], and I am eager to contribute to the broader conversation within our academic community.
     I stand here not just to present findings but to invite you into a dialogue. Your collective expertise is a beacon that guides our exploration today. I am open to any inquiries, discussions, or insights you may wish to share, as I believe that it is through such collaborative engagements that the true essence of academic exploration is realized.
     In conclusion, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your presence and your role in shaping the discourse of English Studies. I look forward to the journey ahead, anticipating a rich exchange of ideas and insights. Thank you for this opportunity, and let us delve into the intricacies of [Your Thesis Topic] together.
     Good morning/afternoon/evening, respected members of the thesis defense committee, esteemed professors, and fellow students. My name is [Your Name], and I am honored to stand before you today as I present my undergraduate thesis titled "Exploring [Your Thesis Topic] in Contemporary English Literature."
     Firstly, I want to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for taking the time to be here and share in this pivotal moment of my academic journey. I am immensely thankful for the guidance and support I have received from my esteemed advisors and mentors throughout this research endeavor.
     The motivation behind my choice of thesis topic lies in the fascination I've developed for [specific aspects of English literature you're exploring]. This research journey has been a profound exploration of [key themes or concepts], and today, I am excited to share the culmination of my findings with you.
     My study aims to [briefly state your research objectives], contributing to the broader discourse within the field of English literature. I believe that my exploration of [your thesis topic] sheds light on [mention a unique perspective or contribution], and I am eager to hear your insights and engage in a constructive dialogue.
     I want to emphasize the originality and innovation embedded in my research, and I welcome any questions or discussions that may arise during this defense. Your expertise is invaluable, and I am open to any suggestions that can further refine my work.
     Once again, thank you for your presence and attention. I look forward to our insightful discussion and hope that my research can contribute in its own way to the rich tapestry of English literature studies. Thank you.








